Through organising Evidence Sessions at Westminster and Recovery Fairs nationally, Visible Recovery brings together 12 Step Fellowships and the service providers, community and employment leaders who could recommend this free and proven method of recovery from addiction and mental ill-health.
The 12 Step Recovery programmes are a set of guiding principles and actions designed to help individuals recover from all addictions and other destructive behaviours, be they substance, process, or behavioural addictions. 12 Step Recovery also significantly improves mental health.
12 Step Fellowships comprise of groups of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems through the 12 Step process. Many individuals in a 12 Step Fellowship also have a sponsor to help guide them through the steps.
Donations at meetings are always voluntary; there is no cost to the participants unless they feel they can afford to make a donation. There are more than 7,000 weekly meetings in the UK and there are no waiting lists.
The original 12 Step Programme was created by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) but has since been adopted by many other fellowships addressing various addictions and destructive behaviours.
The 12 Steps involve:
Admitting powerlessness over addiction
Accepting the help of a Higher Power
Taking a moral inventory
Making amends for harm done to others
Continuing self-reflection
Being of service to others
The program also emphasises helping others to recover and maintaining sobriety one day at a time.
One recovering addict explained, 'I lost more and more of my life to addiction, which cost my time, money, relationships, my health, and my job. I was on a spinning wheel and could not stop. Now, the steps are there to help me in my recovery. To live the discipline of a 12 Step way of life is an enduring challenge that keeps giving back.'

How many 12 step fellowship meetings exist in the UK?
There are at least 30 different 12 step fellowships active in the UK.
Click on the links below to find out more about each one.