Dan Carden MP hosted our first Recovery Fair. We had a great time in Liverpool with Dan Carden MP and the APPG for 12 Step Recovery hosting the first Recovery Fair. "The Brink" recovery café, which The Forward Trust runs, was the perfect venue. It was amazing to see so many service providers attending to hear about the solution of 12 Step Recovery.
It was great to see and hear so many conversations around the room and to hear the insights and personal stories from members of different 12 Step fellowships, including Gamblers Anonymous (GA), Overeaters Anonymous (OA), Al-Anon and to be able to experience the open demonstration meeting from Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
We also had representation and information available from Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) and Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA). We are very grateful to all the attending 12 Step fellowships for giving up their time and sharing their experience on the day.
92% of people who did not feel confident recommending 12 Step Recovery to individuals they encounter on a professional basis reported that, after attending a Recovery Fair, they now feel comfortable recommending 12 Step Recovery in their professional capacity.
Some quotes from attendees on what they found most helpful:
"I was astonished to learn how many organisations are out there to help people who are struggling."
"Opportunities to speak to so many people in the recovery landscape"
"Understanding the number of different fellowships that address so many different
"Experiencing a demonstration 12-Step meeting."
"Great to see organisations coming together and also the insight into how AA
meetings work was really helpful."
If you want to carry the message of recovery, find more information on our website, www.visiblerecovery.uk, about what a Recovery Fair is. Please get in touch with us if you know who your local MP is and would like to organise a Recovery Fair. zoe@visiblerecovery.uk